Black Rock (2022)

An ongoing visual experiment reflecting on the themes of alchemical transformation, ritualistic practice and prayer in the context of modern western society.

‘Black Rock’ is a volcanic landscape that came directly from my subconsciousness in a form of a dream. This space became populated with fictional characters and turned into a connection between my internal cosmology and a fictionilised narrative told through a form of visual storytelling. This is a work-in-progress exposition, building around a larger narrative that involves human character finding himself in a direct conversation with God. The cave, the malted lava and the black waters are all elements that are explored further in other visual pieces that are a part of the installation ‘Black Rock’.

Through use of printmaking, animation and sound I create a multi-layered narrative that brings together elements of myth, nature documentary and fictional drama.

First time the piece was shown in ‘Ut Supra, Sun Ingfa’ show at De Bouwput gallery as part of my residency in AGA Lab studios in Amsterdam, Holland in June 2022. The video materials was split into 3 parts, presented below. It was accompanied by a selection of intaglio prints and production plates.

Black Rock - Part 1

Square Alchemy - Part 2

Benefits Of Volcanoes - Part 3

The Prayer, 2022. Etching with aquatint

Photos from the show at the De Bouwput, June 2022, Amsterdam. Holland.